mik好快!! XDD

Gale Gale Gale 要我怎么说你好{:3_155:}
偶不懂怎么回这个帖子了 XDD


本帖最后由 cora 于 2009-4-16 12:00 编辑

Gale Harold's First Post-Accident Interview
April 15, 2009 04:29 PM EST

After a near-fatal motorcycle accident sidelined Gale Harold last October, the actor finally returns to Desperate Housewives as Susan’s long-absent painter boy lover, Jackson, on May 3. “It’s taken him such a long time to get back to being almost normal,” says co-star Neal McDonough, who worked with Gale on his first day back on set. “And there are still many problems that he goes through.” Gale—whom Neal says “looks like a million”—has only one real complaint: he hasn’t been able to get back on the same Ducati motorcycle he had completely restored since the devastating crash. The actor talks to William Keck about his road to recovery and Wisteria Lane:

去年十月一场几乎致命的摩托车事故后,5月3日Gale Harold终于回归Desperate Housewives的剧组,继续饰演Susan消失了很久画家男友,Jackson. “他花了很长的时间才恢复到原来的状态,”与他合作的Neal McDonough如是说,在Gale第一天回到剧组的时候他们一起工作。“他还要面对很多问题和后遗症。”Neal说Gale“看起来很棒”——而Gale唯一抱怨的竟然是:他还没机会骑上那辆车祸后修复好的Ducati摩托车。Gale和William Keck谈了一下他的康复以及回归紫藤街:

What happened the night of your accident?

It’s just something that happens when you take the risk of getting on a machine like that. As fantastic and exciting as it can be, after you’ve been safe for a number of years, you tend to become a little overly confidant. You can’t predict all the surprises out there.

Any scars?

Yeah, there was some repair work that was done to the front end of my bike that really makes me cry inside.

I was talking about scars on your body.

Obviously I was hurt. But you get better.

Who did you hear from after the accident?

I was supposed to be at work the next day, so Teri was checking in with my managers and my agents every other day. We had a really good thing going with these characters. It’s not every day you start a new job and immediately hit it off with the person you’re working with.

Did you watch the show after your accident?

I didn’t because I was a little worried about seeing something about my death delivered by letter—Jackson drowned in his cereal yesterday morning.

But didn’t they tell you that Jackson would eventually be coming back?

Yeah, I just didn’t want to get surprised by something they might not have been comfortable telling me. I was fortunate that they wanted me back. I wanted the executive producer to meet my doctors so he’d know I’d be a real person again. And when I came back, I wanted it to be in the same frame of mind as Jackson—not exactly sure how open the door is to Susan.

We heard your voice a few months ago in a phone call to Susan. What was your physical condition then?

I was probably almost there. It’s hard to say. With these kinds of injuries you recover at various rates. I had a very rapid recovery. I really feel back.

Why is Jackson returning to Wisteria Lane?

He’s back to try to rekindle their connection—whatever is left of it. He has a very important question for Susan.

What has Jackson been doing all this time?

He was pursuing his dream of working in a school as an art teacher. He’s been away, but realizes he needs Susan and needs to talk to her about things.

Word is when Jackson returns he will have to contend with Dave, who has his own intentions for Susan. Should we be worried about Jackson’s future?

Anytime you’ve got somebody like Dave Williams walking up and down the street, you’ve got to be worried about everybody. There are a number of bad scenarios that could take place. I have a scene with Dave and Orson where I’m thanking Dave for saving my butt from burning to death in the fire. But then Jackson realizes, “Wait a minute. You didn’t really save my ass, did you?” So it’s sets up the question of whether Jackson will realize that Dave actually locked him in the bathroom. It still remains to be seen whether Jackson will be around for the season finale.
当你身边有Dave Williams这样的人走来走去的时候,谁都会担心一顿。有几个可能的激烈场面会出现。我有一场和Dave、Orson一起的戏,我感谢Dave在俱乐部火灾中拯救了我。可是忽然Jackson认识到,“等等,你没有真的想救我,是吗?”这就引出了Jackson是否意识到是Dave把他锁在了洗手间这个问题。这一季结局时Jackson去路如何,我们还要等着瞧。

Neal McDonough used to ride a motorcycle, but sold his Harley the day his wife learned she was pregnant, and hasn’t been back on since. Will you ride again?
Neal McDonough以前也有一辆摩托车,当他知道太太怀孕的那一天他就把他的哈利摩托车给卖了,从此不再骑摩托车。你会再次骑吗?

I’m going to be back on board. I’m dying to ride again and am feeling very impatient. I’m giving myself a certain amount of time to know I feel good and safe.



  • ziggy19


本帖最后由 cora 于 2009-4-16 12:29 编辑

中午已经到了{:3_157:} 翻译在5楼
据说Entertainment Tonight上有Gale的最新采访,应该youtube上很快就会有的:
Gale was on ET tonight.
He said that he had an unfortunate dance with a motorcycle.
He said that he fractured his shoulder and was fortunate to make it through. He also said he was blessed witwh some very good friends.





外型是帅到爆吧~~啧啧 就一叛逆青年御用坐骑

Ducati是原产于意大利的顶级摩托车品牌,想必是摩托车男孩们的Dream Bike吧~ Gale一向很迷意大利摩托,所以他对爱车的宝贝程度可想而知了 :P


他是个注重隐私的人,不愿多提自己的伤疤等比较隐私的问题也在意料之中。旁人看来这场车祸很大一件事,对Gale来说他是当局者他更看得明白,并且不愿多说,不想媒体把注意力放在他出过车祸而后复工这个层面,而是专注于他的工作。也许这是他 "是的,一场车祸,但我现在康复了" 这般简洁回答的原因,Gale从来就不是一个无病呻吟喜欢拿自己的经历出来晒的人。



潼  你实在太搞笑了………… XDD

邪恶地想要是他的车被偷走了他会怎样 {:3_157:}


招祸体质噢?! 潼你潜意识里面是个虐待狂{:3_212:}

嗯 要是他的爱车不见了,大概他会买一台新的升级版然后变本加厉地继续飚车{:3_223:}



41# syouen



外型是帅到爆吧~~啧啧 就一叛逆青年御用坐骑

Ducati是原产于意大利的顶级摩托车品牌,想必是摩托车男孩们的Dream Bike吧~ Gale一向很迷意大利摩托,所以他对爱车的宝贝程度可想而知了 :P

http://www.qafone.org/viewthread ... age%3D2&page=49




78# zhangyao
谢谢 :) 偶希望今晚可以继续...... XD


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