[Randy] 最新Randy采访(中文翻译陆续进行中。。。)

本帖最后由 sandy_6836 于 2010-8-22 21:51 编辑

MW: Showtime added a disclaimer that read: ''Queer as Folk is a celebration of the lives and passions of a group of gay friends. It is not meant to reflect all of gay society.'' But was it ever weird? You were a young gay man playing a young gay man.

HARRISON: It was never weird because I had been out since I was a teenager. It was never weird to be out. What was weird was to be on television and be a little… not famous… but, you know, having people kind of know you. Even now people think I'm something I'm not because of that show.

I don't think it has anything to do with being out, though. I think that anybody on television that played one character for a long time goes through the same thing. It's weird to represent something that wasn't created by you and isn't you.

I'm sure that it's caused things, made it harder for certain people to see me other than a certain way, but I think it's also opened up opportunities for me.

I really try not to think about it too much. If I'm doing what I want to be doing I'm happy. But there are times when it's, ''Another script to do that? No. I'm not interested. No.'' You end up passing on a lot and fighting a little bit harder probably for things that are different.

But that was all a really long time ago. It was like 11 years ago that we started doing it and then we finished doing it five years ago. And I haven't thought of it since.

MW: Except when interviewers ask you about it. Is that frustrating?

HARRISON: Not really. It's to be expected.

MW: And there's still a fair number of websites that bounce back to you in your Queer as Folk days.

HARRISON: Are there?

MW: You don't know that? You don't Google yourself?

HARRISON: I don't. I do not search myself. I do not read anything written about me. I don't.

MW: Ever?

HARRISON: Sometimes, like a sound bite or something if someone forwards it to me. But I don't. I avoid it all.
要不是很久以前,11年前我们开始做,然后我们用5年去完成它,和我没法想象的后来(不知道怎么翻,我编的 And I haven't thought of it since.)
MW: 尽管很多人和网站都希望QAF有回归的一天。
MW:你不知道那个?你不上Google 搜索你自己?


  • sandy_6836

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