哪个好心人把关于 BRIAN 那段翻译一下啊?


Loving and loathing Brian

Which one character do you feel the most protective of?

I feel the most protective of Brian. I'm very protective of him and his attitude, because I really think that Brian is very much an Ayn Rand-ian character. [It's] very classic, his individualism and her philosophy of individualism, which is basically: You take care of yourself first, and that enables you to take care of other people. Because you're not resentful, you don't sacrifice for other people.

There's a scene in the new season where he announces he's going to buy Babylon, and he says, "I'm queer, and those of you who don't like it, fuck you." That kind of attitude is just astounding. He's probably one of the most original and unusual characters ever to be on television.

I remember the first season people were telling us that we needed to change Brian, that he needed to be domesticated or people would end up hating him. But we didn't. There is a moment in the final season where he is almost domesticated, but he breaks free of that, and his true colors come out. So we definitely played with him a little bit in the final season, but we knew that we wanted to show the layers of him and his humanity.

It seems like straight women, lesbians and even straight men admire Brian a lot more than gay men do. Why do so many gay male viewers hate Brian?

I think because straight women, gay women and straight men don't bring the baggage. I think the reason so many gay men hate Brian is because there's a lot of the "shame factor." A lot of gay men have had this kind of very specific sexual life in their youth, and there's a sort of shame factor that rises within them with Brian.



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