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2008.8.20 DH的一篇采访(有一张Gale的新剧照...)

2008.8.20 DH新采访一篇



原文: http://www.insidesocal.com/outinhollywood/2008/07/facetoface-with-gale-harold.html

Face-to-Face with Gale Harold...

By Greg Hernandez on July 18, 2008 1:15 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | ShareThis

We all know Gale Harold as sexy and slutty Brian Kinney from the much-beloved "Queer as Folk" series. Of that amazing cast, he has found the most work on television including the lead in the short-lived Fox series "Vanished," a role on HBO's "Deadwood," and a stunning two-part guest spot on "Grey's Anatomy" as a paramedic who is a closet white supremicist. Now he has landed a role as a regular on "Desperate Housewives" which begins its fifth season this fall with the show jumping ahead five years.
Here is part of our conversation last night at the ABC party which was the culmination of the network's day on the Television Critics Association Press Tour.

Q. That is a very dramatic opening scene you had on the season finale of "Desperate Housewives." It was such a shock because Susan (Teri Hatcher) came home to you and not to Mike (James Denton). How have things been going so far?
A. I've worked about four days and it's been very nice, a very easy transition to go from being a complete stranger to all these people to just going to work and doing the work. (Teri) has a very ready grasp of what she needs to bring to the scene, she's a very fluid actress and it's been great to work with her."
Q. Do you feel like you've finally left Brian behind?
A. Brian behind? Is that a joke?
Q. it was such a great role. And you're doing such different stuff now and I'm starting to look at you in a different way.
A. I'm glad that you say that. That's kind of a baseline obstacle for an actor who comes from a place of obsurity then gets a big job and then they get associated with whatever that big job is. And when the job is really somewhat extreme then you worry. Everyone decides to get freaked out about typecasting at some point in their lives. But I really wasn't.... If I was never anything other than what I did on that show then maybe I would be typecast but I think I have the ability to consider the world at large and approach it.""

At this point, some other "journalist" crashes our little chat and remarks that Brian Kinney "could have been straight or gay." I love Gale's response: "No, I think he could never have been straight. I mean, the guy was absolutely homosexual. It was part of what was interesting about playing him. He was what he was. He was, essentially, an absolutely-realized gay man living with no boundaries."

This same "journalist" who doesn'rt even let people finish their answers then asks Gale about his "Desperate Housewives" character which he has already covered. So, he jokes: "He's a self-possessed gay man, out and proud."

I wrestle control of the interview back and ask him about his fellow "Queer as Folk" castmates. Are they in touch?

"By the way, congratulations to Sharon Gless who was nominated for an Emmy today. That should be the lead, don't bury it, please. I had lunch with Scott Lowell (last) Saturday and I emailed Peter Paige this afternoon. Randy (Harrison) was in Paris and we talked a day after he got back about three weeks ago."

I wrap up my part of the interview when the other "journalist" starts asking questions like "Are you a nightlife guy?" "Are you an outdoors guy?"

I didn't stick around long enough to hear the answers to those STELLAR questions...

翻译  by Cora

Face-to-Face with Gale Harold...
By Greg Hernandez on July 18, 2008 1:15 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | ShareThis

我们都知道Gale Harold 扮演过Queer As Folk里性感不羁的Brian Kinney. 除了那个经典的角色, 他也出现在Fox电视剧"Vanished", 客串过HBO的"Deadwood", 还有"Grey's Anatomy"里面一个尖锐白人至上主义者的角色. 现在"Desperate Housewives"第五季将播出的五年后的紫藤街, 他是主要角色之一.
以下是昨晚我们在ABC Party上的部分对话.

Q: 在"Desperate Housewives" 第四季最后一集, 你的戏剧性出场让很多人惊讶, 因为Susan (Teri Hatcher)是和你在一起而不是Mike(James Denton). 你们的拍摄大概是怎样的情况?

Gale: 我在剧组拍了大概四天, 虽然作为新成员,但很快我就可以融入到这个新的集体, 认识到这些同事. Teri 对她的角色把握得很准确, 她是位很专业的演员, 和她合作很愉快.

Q: 你觉得你终于把Brian放下了吗?
Gale: 放下Brian? 你在开玩笑吗?

Q: 这个角色很棒. 现在你的角色和以前很不一样, 你现在带给人们不一样的感觉.

Gale: 我很高兴你这样说. 对于一个没有受过专业训练但得到一个有影响的大角色(指QAF里面的Brian)的人来说, 这是个普遍需要逾越的门槛. 而且当这个角色比较极端的时候你就会开始担心. 很多人都对自己被定型而感到沮丧. 但我不会……如果我无法超越在QAF里面的角色话也许我会被定型, 但我觉得我有能力更全面地看待和诠释新的角色.

在这个时候, 其他“记者”走过来打断我们的对话, 他们说Brian Kinney “可以是直人或者同性恋”. 我非常欣赏Gale的答案: “不, 我觉得他不可能会成为直人. 我是说, 他是彻底的同性恋. 这是饰演这个角色有趣的地方. 他就是他. 他清楚自己是怎样的人, 过他率真坦白的生活.”

那个“记者”总是打断人家的话. 他又问Gale在DH里面的角色, 但Gale刚刚已经回答过了. 所以, Gale开玩笑地说: “他是一个自信的同性恋者, 出柜并为此自豪.”

我继续我们之间的访问, 问他在”Queer As Folk”里面其他演员的近况. 他还跟他们保持联络吗?

“顺便祝贺Sharon Gless今天获得一个艾美奖提名. 她很棒, 祝她好运. 上星期六我和Scott Lowell吃过饭, 今天下午写了一封email 给Peter Paige. Randy之前在巴黎, 他三个星期前回来的时候我跟他联络过.”

我的访问基本结束了但那个“记者”仍然在追问着“你喜欢夜生活吗?” “你是个喜欢外出的人吗?” 之类的问题.
我很快就走开了, 没有留在他们身边听Gale是怎样回答这些荒谬问题.

同一个Party, 另外一个人写的blog:
http://blogs.knoxnews.com/knx/te ... cs_summer_pre.shtml


Perhaps the most interesting conversation of the evening was with new "Housewives" co-star Gale Harold. He's playing Teri Hatcher's new love interest -- an artsy type -- in the new season (when the show moves its story 5 years later). He kept toasting my glass and asking me about Knoxville's Girls, a band. He also knew of the song "Knoxville Girl." We toasted often. He strayed off subject frequently, and he apologized for being an "a$$." But, in all honesty, he was very amusing. He asked me to come down to Alabama when he visted there next. He wants to party with me in Atlanta. Whatev.


:s14 多美好的一天

[ 本帖最后由 cora 于 2008-8-20 20:39 编辑 ]



访问翻译:s38 http://www.qafonline.org/viewthr ... &extra=page%3D1

到时看能不合并在一起 咔咔


:s38 今天心情好了一天~~~ 可见,翻译有益于身心愉快
大家都来翻译吧:s14 文区大把大把的 哇咔咔



某人竟然会email人家。。。说明某人家里应该是有电脑的 XDDD


今天看有人写到一个party上遇到Gale, 说他是个随时准备恶作剧的人....真是个大小孩:s14


呃。。。更新bed照 XDDD




回复 113# 的帖子


刷房子啊 换灯泡啊 锯木头啊 还是可以性感迷人的- -lll  就看导演怎么拍咯:s44


回复 122# 的帖子


女排终于还是输了 很郁闷。。。唉


临睡前再花痴一次:s14 :s14 :s14

P.S. 截图好像无法显示噢


回复 309# 的帖子

Jackson是问: “are you ever gonna let me stay the night?”



Jackson也有够狼狈的:s29 Susan爽完了就让人家走 哼……

不过Gale的身材还是保持得很好啊 五十年不变 永远漂亮:s14
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原帖由 JOY 于 2008-8-25 10:19 发表

家庭主妇勾引来粉刷的油漆工 真是老套又恶心的剧情 弥漫着低级色情的味道。。
虽然还没看 已经让偶厌恶到顶了。。



原帖由 hpl 于 2008-8-25 20:01 发表





消息来源:http://celebritybug.blogspot.com ... w-desperate_24.html

CB's Fall TV Preview: 'Desperate Housewives'

What to Expect on the Season Premiere?
As revealed in the 4th season finale, next season picks up five years after the events of
last season. Expect some flashbacks to show us how the women's lives changed.

Susan and Mike are divorced, but he's not out of her life altogether, thanks to the
existence of their son, M.J., who's played by Mason Gale Cotton. We'll learn why they got a divorce.

Susan's new man Jackson (Gale Harold) has a scene where he's not wearing all of his clothes. Susan's closed off to love and doesn't want to be in a relationship.

When Susan and Jackson first met, she initially wasn't into him; he was just the guy she'd hired to paint her house. Susan's first scene of the season after the teaser was based on something Teri Hatcher suggested.


这么说来Susan和Jackson还是有可能发展的...尽管一开始他们的关系看起来有点"似曾相识" :P

[ 本帖最后由 cora 于 2008-8-26 18:50 编辑 ]


图片来源:http://www.tv.yahoo.com/falltv/p ... l-casting-coups/321



回复 357# 的帖子

哈哈哈哈 P得好 XDD


资料来源:http://spoilertv-desperatehousew ... -love-tomorrow.html

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES - "You're Gonna Love Tomorrow" - On the highly anticipated season premiere of "Desperate Housewives," five years have passed since Katherine shot her ex-husband as Susan, Lynette, Bree and Gaby stood together in solidarity to protect her. Susan tries to hide her relationship with a new man; Gaby questions her abilities as a mom; Bree is on the verge of publishing her own cookbook as business partner, Katherine, grows envious; Lynette catches her teenaged twins spearheading illegal activities; and Edie returns to Wisteria Lane in jaw-dropping fashion with a new man in tow. "Deperate Housewives" premieres SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 (9:00-10:01 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RON TOM)



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