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标题: Ron&Daniel在qaf s1 ost里的前言 [打印本页]

作者: isabelwalker    时间: 2006-11-24 12:25     标题: Ron&Daniel在qaf s1 ost里的前言

昨天贴了s5中的前言,今天是s1的,一个开始,一个结束,看出了qaf所有cast&crew这五年来的成长和努力,但是那种热情洋溢的celebration没有变,他们的初衷没有变。还是那句话,看r&d写的东西,让我对qaf有了更深一层的认识,不再纠缠于qaf人物间的复杂关系。越发明白qaf在宣扬的是一种态度,一种勇敢,一种爱。这些永远不会变的东西赋予了qaf不朽的灵魂.对于我来说支持qaf 就是支持我自己,不管是gay or straight,在一个坚信自己,坚信生活的世界里,”we will survive",and the beat of babylon will go on ,be with you ,forever!

"The best TV show you'll never see."
That was the headline of an article in The L.A. Times, and it was the first we ever heard of the British series Queer As Folk. It'll never be shown here,it went on to say.Too graphic.Too explicit.Too unapologetic.That word.Unaplogetic.It's since become a verbal knee jerk whenever the show is mentioned. Okay, so it could never be shown in the States,much less made in the States. And then Showtime decided to make an American version of Russell T Davies' revered (but only after it had been pissed on first by the critics) series. And then they asked us to do it .And we saw the tapes.We'd written the teleplay for An Early Frost,the landmark movie about AIDS back in 1985. Won an Emmy. A peabody. Had a hell of a time getting it on TV. The network was scared shitless. No kissing,no touching, just dying. Figured here we go again. But, no. Fifteen years later they're saying make it as graphic, as explicit, as unapologetic (starting to sound familiar?) as the british. Yeah, way to go, Showtime. So we did it. And they ordered twenty-two episodes, a whole season.And we started casting it. And not one if the major agencies sent a single client.Gee,wonder why.Hollywood's so liberal,so-gay friendly.Yeah, right. But eventually-and miraculously-we found them. Gale, Hal, Randy, Peter, Scott, Michelle, Thea, Chris-and Sharon Gless,too. The smartest,funniest,bravest,most talented fucking cast on television. And they have to do a lot of that-at least simulated, because as the first lline of our first script of our first episode goes-and you must know the words by now so everybody, one, two, three,--"The thing you need to knowis ,it's al about sex." And if any P.C. hypocrite tells you that it ain't so, he's a goddamn liar.Because it is all about sex,expecially when you're a guy (straight or gay) and you're 29 and you're single and it's Saturday night. So our characters are either getting it or trying to or wishing they were or frustrated they're not or jealous somebody else is. And that's the truth.And that's the truth of Queer As Folk.And now for the first time in history there's a show where the queers are loud and proud,rude and crude, front and center--not some nelly neighbor or a swifhy sidekick,or some hapless homo who passes himeself off as hetero and hasn't gotten laid for three seasons on the air, or some totured teen who wants to die because he's not "normal" or someone dying of AIDS-- we alreay did that, remember? For some people that's been a shock. For others, a shock of recognition,seeing their life and their world portrayed on screen for the first time. But the good news is, a hell of a lot of people are watching and they're thinking wither it's hot,or it's no big deal, or it's not my thing,but I dont give a shit because it's a good show and i like the characters and stories. And we all know we're seeing something new. Something different. Something we've never seen before. And that's exciting. And that's why we knew from the the minute we saw that headline we had to do  the show. So as  we may have mentioned, yeah, it's all about sex. But it's also about joy. And passion. And friendship. And defiance. And pride. All bursting like some gold glitter bomb over those bare-chested boys in Babylon,that magical, mythichal make-bellieve place where everyone is always young and beautiful (and yeah, we know there's no such club in Pittsburgh!) So play this CD and pretend you're one of them. You know you want to. We all do. And if someone doesnt like it -- well, that's their problem. Fuck'em.
                                                                                                                          --RON COWEN & DANIEL LIPMAN
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