故事很感人,Mary Griffith是位伟大的母亲,only if Bobby could see all these...
Sigourney Weaver演得很细腻,这是部十分成功的电影




感谢Mary Griffith所做的一切~~


采访人:Dayna Gross (D)   受访人: Mary Griffith (M)

D: When you think of Bobby, do you have any favorite memories of him?

M: Bobby was always such a friendly kid. He'd just run up to strangers and give them a big hug. My other kids were very reserved. Bobby really loved people.

D: How long was it before your other son, Eddie, shared Bobby's secret about being gay?

M: Actually, Eddie knew all along about Bobby's homosexuality. He knew for nearly two years before the rest of us. He had promised him that he would keep his secret from us, but when Bobby tried to commit suicide, he knew that he had to tell.

D: Was there a single moment when you realized Bobby "didn't choose" to be gay?

M: There really wasn't a single moment. Until Bobby's death, I was convinced that I could fix him, and nothing was going to change my mind about that. I guess his death was the moment. It wasn't until then that I realized how close-minded I had been. Reverend Larry Whitesell and his church opened up new ways of seeing the Bible and religion that changed my life.
我当时真的没想过。直到Bobby去世,我都一直坚信可以治好他,没有任何事能够改变我的想法。我想转变发生在他的离开。那时我才意识到之前的观念是多么偏狭。Larry Whitesell牧师和他的教会让我学会了用新的方式去看待圣经和信仰,我的人生由此而改变。

D: Do you think Bobby's story would have been different if he'd come out in today's time?

M: No, unfortunately. My mind-set was completely tied up in the word of the gospel, and I couldn't hear anything differently. It wouldn't have made a difference whether this happened yesterday or several years ago. I couldn't hear anything else.

D: How do you and your family work to keep Bobby's memory alive?

M: We all think that Bobby is with us every day, so we don't really need to do anything special for his anniversary. But I know that my niece, the one we see in the movie [she has a cameo], does take flowers to him occasionally.

D: What advice would you give to parents who have just found out that their child is gay?

M: I've talked to many parents about this over the years. And I guess I'd just tell them to listen to their kids and to try not to push their opinions on them.

D: Are any of the other members of your family involved in the advocacy work that you do?

M: We all try to speak up whenever we can, whether it's at official functions or just when we hear something is wrong. And we do our speaking up when we vote. That's where we stand up for what we believe in. I have tons of letters from people who've said that I helped them. After the article in The Advocate came out [about my family], there were a ton of letters from people thanking us for [sharing] our story. People buy the book "Prayers for Bobby" to give to their parents when they come out. And not just kids. Roy [Leroy Aarons, the author of book] and I would be at signings and have 40-year-old men tell us that they hadn't been able to come out until they'd heard Bobby's story.
我们都尽量发出声音,无论是在正式演讲场合还是遇到错误观点时。我们投票时也如此。我们为自己相信的站出来。我收到很多来信说我帮到了他们。同志杂志《The Advocate》发表对我们一家的采访后我收到感谢信,谢谢我分享自己的故事。很多人向自己父母出柜时都会买《天佑鲍比》的书送给他们。不仅是年轻人,我和Roy (原著作者)在签售会就常常听到很多40多岁的人告诉我们,他们在听到Bobby的故事前一直没有勇气出柜。

D: What was it like having a cameo in this movie about your life?

M: It was an amazing day [when we filmed it]. My husband and Bobby's uncle were with me. It was a lot of fun to film that first gay pride parade. It was like being there all over again. And the scene where Sigourney Weaver goes to hug the boy ... it makes me choke up thinking about it even now. That actually did happen. There was a boy in the crowd who smiled at me, and I went up and hugged him during that first parade.
拍摄那天实在很特别。我丈夫和Bobby的叔叔都陪着我。拍摄第一次同志游行的那幕很有意思,就像回到了那天。Sigourney Weaver走过去拥抱那孩子的那一幕,到现在我想起来还是会哽咽。因为真有此事。当时人群中有个男孩对着我微笑,于是我走过去拥抱了他。

D: Can you tell us a little about the scholarship fund that was founded in Bobby's name?

M: It's given out through the Ally Action yearly to kids that support and work for gay and lesbian causes. It began as a $500 scholarship, but now it’s up to $1500 a year.
这是一个通过Ally Action(基金会)组织资助那些支持和热心同志事业的孩子的年度奖学金。开始是500美元,现在已经上升到1500美元了。

D: If you had the chance, is there something you would say to Bobby today?

M: A lot of people ask me that. I would tell Bobby that he’s an equal, lovable and valuable part of creation. Actually that all of our children are. And I’m pretty sure that Bobby understands everything.

D: What do you think Bobby would say about a movie being made about your family if he were alive now?

M: I think he’d say, “You really didn’t need to do that, but thanks anyway.” That’s just the kind of kid that he was.



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