我也很火大 我以为继will&grace后nbc终于开窍再度推出同志主打戏了 结果同志王子被塑造成一个sterotype 最可恶的是男猪竟然对公主而不是王子感兴趣 什么嘛~{:3_144:}

按捺住怒火又查了下编剧的访谈 原来两人的JQ是后来慢慢发展出来的 好吧 我不掀桌 我慢慢跟 {:3_223:}






First of all, just looking for interesting character dynamics, you have this monarchy and you want to think, well what would be something that would be difficult for someone to be dealing with or interesting for someone to be dealing with, and secondly, there are a lot of – when you read the biblical text that this is inspired by, there is a reading to be had – I can’t say whether it’s the right or wrong – but there is a reading to be had where Jonathan, Saul’s son, was madly in love with David. There are several lines repeated – he loved him as he loved himself, their souls were intertwined together, constantly promising each other, and Jonathan especially David,undying love and devotion.

So when I spend my time sort of going through the text and gleaning things that interest me, that was something that I just thought, what if we went that route? What if we let that be what it’s hard not to see sometimes in it? Just the same, literally thousands, two thousands years of biblical scholarship has been spent trying to keep people from reading into those texts. You know, the Middle Ages, I believe there was no vellum that wasn’t scribbled with some sort of apologia for their love being a pure form of Greco-Roman brothers-in-arms sort of thing. And that’s a legitimate reading, too, but my approach isn’t religious as a storyteller. My approach is what would make the most interesting story and that’s what it was. It seemed the thing to do at the time.


10# silent_monster

JQ=奸情=我们 {:3_155:} {:3_155:}

好想看正直男猪被小王子掰弯的戏 抹汗爬走{:3_223:} {:3_223:}


第一张是王子 第二张是男猪




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