原帖由 shkbi 于 2007-11-17 14:12 发表

个人更喜欢看scotty and Jason脱~~~,J的身材比较COOL(洗澡那段~),说句实在话,KEVIN身上脂肪偏多...还需要锻炼~~,健身是个大任务,偶希望自己身材练成JASON OR TOBY那样,就OH OH鸟,正在努力中~~:s18

不过 我还想更喜欢kevin多一点,他这种type更吸引人一点。


原帖由 tx830222 于 2007-11-19 09:41 发表
i  suddenly think of what will said in W&G. bi is just a non-stop train to gay (sth like that, if i heard it right). i laughed for quite a long time and if you are gay you probably laughed too. it mak ...

yeah, I totally agree with you. I laughed much. whatever, non-stop train sounds really impressive...


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