[剧情讨论] QAF BM温馨对白大总结~Long Live BM Friendship!

喜欢BM friendship or brotherhood or something more than that 的朋友不要错过哟。

Season 1
B:Come on Mikey, let's fly. Like in all those comic books. I'm Superman...I'll show you the world!
M:Why am I always Lois Lane?
 (为什么我总是Lois Lane?)

B:I want it to be you.
B:I want it to be you, i'll put it in writing
M:I want it to be you too. You pull my plug.
B:And you pull mine.

M:It was never that big.
B:Hey you haven't seen it in a long time.
M:I haven't seen Gone With The Wind in a long time either but I still know it's 3 and a half hours.

B:You know that's what I'm going to miss the most. Times like these when it's just you and me. But now you have the doc.
M:We've always been there for each other.
B:You more than me.
M:That's not true.
B:Ya, it is. I know I can be shitty to you sometimes. I know that. But it's only because I know that you'll always love me, no matter what.
M: I do, you know.
B:I do too, always have always will. I don't know how I could have made it without you.

B:You're so pathetic Mikey, he's not going to hate you.
M:What makes you so sure?
B:I'm crazy about you.

"He is my business. And he's gonna be my business long after you're gone."

M:I don't wanna be a saint. I wanna be a ruthless, heartless shit who fucks whoever he wants without conscience or remorse.
B:I'm sorry that position's already been filled.

B:That's right, the fuckin fairies got a strike..the fuckin fairies are jumping up and down..the fuckin fairies are gonna celebrate.
  (没错,他妈的小姑娘们打了满灌,他妈的小姑娘上蹦下跳,他妈的小姑娘...现在要庆祝了!a big kiss after that, lol)

(122 Brian差点自杀那里)
B:"Why do you always have to ruin everything?"
M:"Ruin? I'm saving you! Just like Toby Harper saved Captian Astro in issue 231 of Astro Comics when Captain Astro thought that he lost all of his super powers."
 (破坏?我是在救你!就像在231期漫画里Toby Harper救了以为自己丧失了一切力量的Captian Astro!)
B:"God, you are -so- pathetic"
M:"No. You are! Don't you see that you still have your powers? All of your powers. And you always will. Wether you're 18, or you're 30, or you're 50, or you're 100. You wll always be young and you will always be beautiful. You're Brian Kinney for fuck's sake!
50岁还是100岁,你永远都会年轻也永远都会英俊.因为你是Brian Kinney,该死的混蛋!)

Season 2
M:Look, I meant what I said you didn't have to come. Things have changed, we moved on, it's ok. No demands, no expectations, no regrets.
B:Well as long as I'm here we might as well have a good time. Hey, let's get a picture.
M:That's for kids.
B:Come onnnn Mikey
M:It's stupid
B:It wasn't stupid when we use to lock ourselves up in your room reading Captain Astro and Galaxy Lad and wishing we were invincible like them. And pretending that no earthly force can seperate us..like them. And swearing that we'd always be there for each other, like them.
  (一点都不傻。就像我们曾经把自己锁在你的房间里一起看Captain Astro和Galaxy laid,希望自己能隐形,像他们一样;希望没有任何力量能够把我们分开...像他们一样,并发誓我们永远为彼此在那里,像他们一样。)
M:You remember that?

(Brian kisses Michael)(B亲了M一下)
M:What was that for?
B:Cause you're so pathetic.
M:Thanks a lot.
B:You put your fucking life up for auction, what if it hadn't worked out?
M:I guess I'd have no money, no job, no nothing.
B:Nothing but the biggest balls in the whole fucking world.

M:I can handle it.
B:Then handle it, kiss it, jerk it off. Just don't fall in love with it.

B:You don't have to be brave on account of me.
M:On account of you?! Who the hell's thinking about you? I'm thinking about Ben.

M:I need to be strong.
B:You are, you are strong.
M:No I'm not, my mom was right.
B:Your mom doesn't know shit.Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me..are you listening?
M:I'm listening
B:The night Justin got bashed and I called you and you were about to get on a plane and you came here and you sat with me for 3 days waiting to see if he was gonna live or die. If it hadn't been for you I never would have made it. You're strong enough for the both of us. And you're going to be strong for Ben.


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