本帖最后由 那年菊花 于 2013-1-25 18:21 编辑

act up,fight back,fight AIDS.这些同志将心中最原始的求生本能释放,为了生存而抗争 从无到有,从多到少,一点一点用血肉强迫改变着世人的态度看法,这是最令人震撼的。
When future generation ask what we did in the war,we have to be able to tell'em that we were out here fighting,and we have to leave a legacy to the generations that will come after us.Remember that someday the ADIS crisis will be over,and when that day has come and gone,there will be a people alive on this earth,gay people and straight people,black people and white people,men and women,who will hear a story that once there was a terrible disease,and that a brave group of people stood up and fought,and in some cases died,so that others might live and be free.

Every single drug that's out there is because of Act Up,I am convinced.We had the brain power,and we had the street power.We had the good cops and the bad cops.The government didn't get us the drugs,no one else got us the drugs.We,act up,got those drugs out there.It is the proudest achievement that the gay population of this world can ever claim.



回复 8# aocher

    腐败下去的结果就只有两个结果 革命或者改革 而我更希望是后者


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