我觉得德国人的非浪漫主义情怀的完美体现啊!超级席绢式的故事啊!两个演员还开办了自己的公司呢! Marx and his co-star Udo Lutz clicked so well that they have launched their own production com
  http://www.edgeboston.com/entert ... to_kiss%E2%80%99%29
  EDGE: The trend in America is towards to conformity - so many gays being like straights. You celebrate the difference in this film. What do you think of the assimilation movement?
  Frank Christian Marx: I hate the word "straight" acting. Do we want to be straight? No. WE ARE GAY. Every female man can be very manly in some situations and every manly man can be very female. For example, I am a so-called "straight looking" guy. I have a beard, I´m tall and I am masculine. But believe me, you have to see me when I´m watching a comedy in a movie theatre. I break out in laughter and I can´t stop, and the sound of that is very similar to a little girl. I can scream like a woman when I´m watching a horror movie and I can be a big queen. I think everyone can, even the heterosexuals. So why not stop complaining about female males and male females and starting to take them as they are? My friend got used to that to take me as I am.




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