[其他] 【音频/照片】QAF十周年小聚会-Gale,Scott,Peter,Michelle等接受LA Talk Radio访问

本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-1-16 13:38 编辑

现场直播结束: http://www.latalkradio.com/live.shtml  
音频下载地址: http://www.latalkradio.com/archives/Sheena-011111.mp3

从左到右: Thea, Scott, Sheena, Danielle(另外一位DJ), Michelle。Gale, Peter, Robert和Sharon都是通过电话参加这次节目。大家下载上面的音频就能听到。


Scott Lowell在twitter上发布了QAF小型聚会的消息:

Date: 11th January 2011
Time: 6pm PST (也就是北京时间12日早上十点现场直播)
Schedule permitting guests will include Michelle, Thea, Gale, Sharon, Peter and myself!!
Sheena在节目中也提到了今年是QAF十周年,Michelle, Thea, Gale, Sharon, Peter, Scott和Robert在Sheena Metal的电台节目上聚首一堂,谈谈各自的近况。

消息来源: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php? id=100000666292512

关于Sheena Metal的电台节目简介及下载: http://www.latalkradio.com/Sheena.php

Gale之前也上过Sheena Metal的节目,2010年1月18日Gale和<Orpheus Descending>的Denise Crosby一起上过<The Sheena Metal Experience>,音频下载地址(Gale和Denise在大概54分钟开始){:3_213:}



  • hpl

  • sandy_6836

回复 2# chenxuwenlan


回复 4# cocotiti

不知道到时会不会有听众提问环节,要是有就好了粉丝可以直接大声跟Gale说you know you know{:3_254:}


回复 10# hpl
就是 互相爆料{:5_300:}


其实说不定打skype就可以{:3_248:}明天早上十点! 不知道有直播不


The Sheena Metal Experience正在直播啦!!
直播地址: http://www.latalkradio.com/live.shtml 选右手边的Channel 2 Sheena Metal Experience



已经听到Scott的声音了!!!原来Scott把每个人都接到电话上,像开conference call那样


回复 24# cocotiti


对啊Scolo好nice好好玩XD 消防员。。
Peter Paige也快上来了~~Robert也来了~~



Hi Gale~~~~~~~{:3_292:}


回复 30# cocotiti
不过好像和他在打电话一样~~~able able able hahahaha


回复 32# cocotiti
对的我正准备数这次说了多少次you know {:3_267:}


本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-1-12 10:39 编辑



回复 36# cocotiti




回复 40# cocotiti
又到Gale啦哈哈哈哈他说不用洗那么多衣服了拍戏老是穿那么少 XD


回复 44# cocotiti
没错!!下载地址已经加在1楼了~~~able able able{:3_239:}{:3_254:}


据scolo讲QAF mini reunion播完后,电台的服务器就由于大量下载当掉了,粉丝真是狂热啊~~
cocotiti 发表于 2011-1-13 09:45


hpl 发表于 2011-1-13 18:43



January 11th 2011
By: Sheena Metal
Transcript by : Trish
Edited by: Marcy

SM - Sheena Metal
GH - Gale Harold


SM - Now, Gale, are you with me?
GH - I am, can you hear me?

SM - Yeah.  It's so nice to have you here.  So nice to talk to you again.

(Everyone says hello to Gale and Gale says hello back)

SM - Last time Gale was here, we talked about Greek theatre for an hour, and Greek tragedy, so we didn't even hardly talk about Queer As Folk. Gale, what was it about this role that made you wanna do it?  'Cuz I think that, certainly you've felt the effects of this role... I mean, you have... people have been emailing me about you for three days, so...what was it about it that made you really wanna do it?  'Cuz you're a very complex actor and it was a very complex part.
GH - Uhm, I was... (laughs)... I think, just listening to Sharon there for a second, actually, I share something with her, and, forgive me, Sharon, if I've misinterpreted what you said, but there's something about, uh... I think what kind of got to me was the dare of it, you know?  Is this really gonna happen?  And, if it is, would I be able to be able to be able to be... able, able, able, I'm gonna say that word about five thousand times!  Would I be able to... would I be able to actually pull that off?  And that's not a pun, either.  But, uhm, you know... Sharon, like I said, if I'm getting it wrong, tell me, but there's something about, uhm... there's a little bit... a little bit of terror in trying to imagine myself being able to, not only do the... the physical acrobatics involved, but also being believable as the man who was that character.  And, uh, I've seen the original, and it kind of blew my mind, and that was long before I ever knew that they were gonna make an adaptation, so that's...

SM - Right, the British version?
GH - Yeah.  Yeah, yeah.

SM - Did you have any idea, Gale, how it would kinda change your life, in, ya know, some good ways and some kinda weird ways?  That you would become an icon?
GH - No, I really, I mean... for being someone who's kinda guilty of over-thinking things, I totally missed the clues that were coming down the line... I didn't see it coming at all, and actually, uhm, it kind of... it was a little bit, uhm, shocking, you know?  It kind of, you know... I don't know how you other guys, you know, Michelle, Thea and Scott and Robert and Sharon... you kind of withdraw a bit when you have that sort of a reaction.  It's so, uhm, it's great to have a really positive reaction, or any kind of reaction that's got that sort of, uhm, entropy (?) to it, but it kinda makes ya... you know... try to grab your bearings for a second, you know?

SM - Yeah, I can imagine.  You kind of can withdraw like Elvis, because you can't go anywhere and not be swarmed.
GH - Oh, my god.  (Laughter)

SM - Well, you're kind of a... kind of a thinker, you're not a showy guy... when you were in here last time with Denise Crosby and we had a wonderful talk, and we talked all about theatre, and you have a great love for the craft, but you're not like the "Hey, how ya doin'? I'm gonna show up at every red carpet and show off!" kinda guy.  You're kind of a mellow guy.
GH - Uh, yeah, that kind of creeps me out, but... that's not my trip.


SM - We've come a long way with that (sexuality on tv) and Queer As Folk really helped to break down those barriers, and it's not a gay thing, it's just a sex scene thing.  It's just sexuality in general, and I think we can thank HBO and Showtime and the premium channels for really kinda pushing that along.  And now the cable channels have followed - the TNTs and the USAs and have really kinda followed along with that. Gale, did you have to bear the brunt of that, because I think you had clothes on for like three episodes?
GH - Uhm, I didn't have to do as much laundry. (Laughter)

SM - Save time on costume fittings!
GH - ... blushing, but it was just one of those lessons... is it art or does it feel good?  I could never figure that out, I just take 'em both.  It was for a while, because I think there's... you know, when people... when people can, uhm, put you and what you appear to be very close to their life, you know, by means of a television, or some sort of screen that's so close to them... you know, there's a line there that becomes less and less distinct, and, it could be my own paranoia, and it probably, to some degree is, but, uh... it was always, it was always... it was 99.9 per cent very kind and warm, but there was a little bit of a undercurrent that sometimes made me not sure, you know, if there was an assumption, by means of the energy, but that's just... that's just being on screen, you know?  Uhm, 'cuz I can remember what it was like to do it, and I can remember images that were happening in my mind while I was performing, and then I can remember what it looked like on film, and, uhm, it was an interesting experience, for sure, but I'm very proud of it, you know?  And it's taken me a while to be comfortable enough to be proud of it, because it scared the shit out of me, basically (laughs).

SM - I understand that!  The responsibility of, here's a whole gay community that's looking at you, the eight of you, to represent them, and that's a big deal!
GH - I would also like to say to that... I mean, I didn't, I wasn't able to process this immediately, and it took a while to really try and sort it all out, but I felt like, a little bit, uhm, guilty that I was representing something that I didn't own for my own... for myself, you know?  And then that kind of spins off in your mind, "Am I doing justice to this?" and if I'm... if the assumption is that I am, then is there more to that?  And if I then don't, kind of... (sighs)... express that clearly enough... and I don't wanna get too complicated, but it seems like, uh... it seems like being overly-analytical, and to some degree it is, but I didn't want to get it wrong, you know?  I did not want to get it wrong on any level.  I just wanted to do it justice.


SM - Gale, how about you? Are you still kind of web-shy, or have you ventured into the cyber frontier?
GH - Uhm, I haven't decided, yet. (Laughter)

SM - And Gale, I know you will come back and see me again, 'cuz we're gonna do our heavy metal free-for-all show.
GH - Well, uhm, we have to listen to the new Motorhead record, 'cuz I have it in my hand.

SM - Nice!  You'll have to bring it, yeah!  I have LA Guns and Lizzy Borden and all kinds of fun stuff we'll crank up.
GH - You got it!  All right!

SM - Gale, thank you so much for being here.  Gale Harold, everybody!

by Trish: http://www.gale-harold.it/englis ... as-folk-reunion.htm
by kinwad: http://kinwad.livejournal.com/183189.html#cutid1



回复 57# susu2009s


回复 61# cocotiti




回复 64# narcissusyang
Scott说的吗? 在音频哪分钟我再去听听


回复 68# lili2010

hpl 发表于 2011-1-16 16:53



回复 71# monroe_lu
http://www.gale-harold.it/audio/ ... lk-mini-reunion.mp3

下载来源: http://www.gale-harold.it/english/home.php

另: 有报道说QAF mini-reunion播出那天正是LA Talk Radio有史以来收听率最高的那天!!{:3_279:}太多人抢着听网上直播,把他们的服务器都拖垮了~~

Online PR News – 16-January-2011 –After scheduling a "Queer as Folk" (QaF) cast reunion show on the Sheena Metal Experience daily radio program, even Sheena herself was surprised that it would become one of the most popular programs in the history of LA Talk Radio. ...
"The audience response was tremendous for this program," Sheena notes, "with so many people attempting to listen live that the servers crashed for several minutes. The station very quickly had us up on the air again and they immediately scheduled a repeat airing for the 9-11 p.m. slot so listeners could hear anything they missed and new listeners could join the fun."

消息来源: http://www.onlineprnews.com/news ... ena-metal-show.html


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回复 80# narcissusyang


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