[讨论] Get your stuff 轻松同志剧讨论专贴

本帖最后由 ricky12348 于 2009-2-9 17:24 编辑


推荐这部轻喜剧Get your Stuff (1999)——时髦的说法是这是一个关于5个男人和1个女人的故事。一对梦幻般的完美gay couple (Phil & Eric)苦苦等待对他们的儿童领养申请的批复。令他们没有想到的是最后等来了社工Gloria无可奈何带到家里的却是两个蛊惑仔少年——8岁和12岁,还有他们酒鬼妓女的老妈。看这部片子让我想起来一部完全不相干的电影Pretty Women,两者的共同之处是给观众描述了一种似乎是遥远而不可及、莫敢奢望的幸福生活状态。这部片子也许不会让你捧腹大笑,但是我想心中有爱的善良人们也许有时候会愿意给自己放一个假期,尽管不是悠长的,来沉醉于这样的成年人神话故事吧。




They're the "perfect" A-list gay couple. Phil is a respected psychotherapist. Eric is a successful attorney. They have friends and money. Phil and Eric are anxiously waiting to adopt a baby to make their picture-perfect family complete.

In the interim, their friend, Gloria, a child services case worker, talks them into taking in two juvenile delinquent brothers who turn out to be foul-mouthed, liquor cabinet raiding terrors!

Things become even more complicated when the prostitute junkie mother arrives on the scene to retrieve her babies -- until she sees the mansion and open bar! What results is a lively and touching comedy that explores what we think love looks like, and the unlikely places we find a family.

Humorous cameos by Jim J. Bullock and "Married With Children's" David Faustino.

Directed by Max Mitchell. Starring Blayn Barbosa, Jim J. Bullock, Jason Boegh, Patience Cleveland, Jasper Cole, David Faustino. 95 minutes. 1999.
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long

下面是引用randigoode于2005-08-14 11:01发表的:

Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


下面是引用ricky12348于2005-08-14 15:13发表的:


从来没用过那个软件, 不知道是虾米...
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


下面是引用太阳王传说于2005-08-14 15:25发表的:

图片好难找, DD打开上面那个连接就是图片, 乖不要懒哦,  [s:299]
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


下面是引用kartoffel于2005-08-14 20:56发表的:

没搞错, 你下载的另一个版本的吧,, [s:327]
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


又看了一遍,真是喜欢啊, 每个人都是那么INSPIRING, 两个男主角都好帅. 怎么没早一点发现这部片子捏?
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


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